The adventures of a kid who is dearly loved despite being diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. The adventure lies in learning to live with it...instead of fight it.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Pictures and Special Thank Yous
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Friday fun-day
Friday was a good day. Ryan and I just relaxed all day after dropping Dylan off at school. He played with all his little airplanes and jumped on his trampoline all without being interrupted. His favorite part I think was not getting dressed until he had to. Silly boy!
Once we picked up brother from school Ryan was interested in a pine cone he left in the car from a previous trip. I had to get pictures because he was so focused on taking the individual pieces off the cone to use as little rocket ships. He didn't want the whole pine cone. I tried to get him to hold it up and smile.but that didn't really happen. Big brother tried too. It was a cute moment watching Dylan try to explain to Ryan to look at me, smile AND hold up the pine cone. Seemed like Ryan could only focus on one command at a time. I'm happy to see my boys developing a relationship with one another though.
Well that's enough for now because I already have a new post to start!
Monday, May 14, 2012
A weekend full of excitement!

Well, I guess that's all for now. Until next time. :)
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
It is finished...
...the sand box that is. Thanks to a little determination. The boys love it. Dylan played in it for hours! Funny enough, Ryan doesn't like to get in it. He prefers to sit on the outside of it and lean over the side to play in it. Like he doesn't like the feel of the sand on his feet. He hasn't protested it but on his own he ends up on the outside of it. It's pretty entertaining.
On another note, Ryan and I had a cupcake date today. We got some fancy cupcakes for his amazing teacher and the awesome aids that help. Ryan loved his chocolate with vanilla frosting cupcake. I thought it was boring at first, but then I tasted it!!! It was so good! We love Kiddough's bakery now and I want something from there everyday!
Well, I guess that's all for now. Oh wait, now is a good time to mention were potty training! He even switches into undies at school after he gets there. He is doing really well. He has no problem peeing for cookies! This is quite an accomplishment. It's even one of his IEP goals for the school year! I'm excited but anxious since he is still accident prone. Even today he popped in his undies... Guess it comes with the territory of course but its never fun to clean. Oh well, life is full of adventure. The sensory issues don't make it any easier since he's not really bothered by the feeling of being wet when he does have an accident. I'll keep you posted.
Until next time. :)
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Just another sunny day...
Ryan, Dylan and daddy are busy outside right now. Despite the 95 degree heat they're determined to stain the sandbox daddy is building for them. Everyone has paintbrush in hand and is making progress.
Funny enough, a little coffee has helped keep 2 of the three boys hard at work. Silly Ryan loves cafe con leche as much as daddy does. Of course the amount of sugar in it is besides the point because its so cute. Don't worry, its not like I'm ordering the kid his own Americano or anything. He occasionally sneaks a drink here and there, that's all.
Well, I guess that's all for now. I better help make sure the boys doing alright.
Until next time...
Friday, May 4, 2012
Ryan Turns 4!!
I wrote a long post about Ryan turning 4 last night and it, for some unknown reason, won't post. So here we go again.
We started the birthday festivities at school with a class birthday party. The kids ended up having 2 birthdays to celebrate so twice the sugar! They didn't care but I'm sure their parents did later that afternoon. Oh well.
Ryan's actual birthday was on a Friday, so no school for him. We dropped Dylan off at school then headed to his favorite lunch spot, Costco. He's a cheap date.
After that we headed to the mattel store, where Ryan had his choice of toys. He got every airplane toy they had. Mommy grabbed some fun stuff too, that really never got as much attention as the airplanes he picked (don't tell daddy). After that we flew to pick up Dylan from school. We had planned to go to castle park or the drive in later that night but Ryan passed out in the weirdest of spots, on the arm of the recliner.
That weekend we headed to sea world. We decided to skip a party because Ryan doesn't do very well at them. The last one he went to daddy had to walk him around the neighborhood to distract him. He didn't like being told no... ("No, you can't put your hand in the cake", "no you can't open the presents"). Ryan enjoyed shamu instead.
That Sunday we had a little bday bash for him too. Cake, hot dogs, and presents. And later than night, a family cake fight. Good times. I got it on video too. I'll see if I can post it some time.
Well that's all for now. If this time it doesn't post I'm throwing my phone in the toilet and flushing it. Just kidding. I'll just try again... Or not.